OneSound Logo (2023)

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Onesound Higher Impact Partnership (OHIP) is a financial commitment towards the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world. HIP gives you a unique opportunity to touch lives on a global scale right from the comfort of your home. It involves setting aside a specific amount (as low as #1,000, $1 or its equivalent) with which you support Kingdom Expansion every month. Beyond your monetary participation as a partner however, being a Higher Impact Partner is a covenant with God that qualifies you to be blessed for every soul saved and every impact made globally through the ministry of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth. By partnering, you would be making it possible and easier to extend the frontiers of the Kingdom of God, taking new territories for Jesus and liberating many from the oppression of sin and the devil. Glory to God! As you join in partnership, therefore, you would be taking advantage of a unique opportunity to be a strong part of what God is doing, and you would be positioned to do even bigger things with God.

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