Investing in your prayer life is one of the most valuable and rewarding steps you can take in this new month. Just as you invest time and resources in important ventures like your career, business, family etc., building your prayer life by giving it the attention that is due is capable of yielding great returns.
When you Pray without ceasing, it fills your heavens with rain, which in turn will activate an outpour of testimonies and answered prayers in your life.
Prayer is never a waste. A little here and a little there, devoting time to prayer builds up your spirit, and helps you to press into what God has promised in every aspect of your life. Soon your heavens will be filled and it will rain testimonies in your direction. So, do not relent.
To understand more on prayer, kindly visit @ to purchase the book The Ministry of Prayer by Dr. Isaiah Macwealth.
From the Ark of Light For All Nations.